Nitricum Acidum 30 Homeopathy Medicine-Uses, Benefits, Dosages

Nitric Acid 200 homeopathy uses

Are you in search and want to know about Nitricum Acidum homeopathic uses,benefits,and effects?

It’s fascinating to explore the various aspects of Nitricum Acidum. Throughout various studies,a significant impact of Nitricum Acidum is observed. Let’s dive deeper into Nitricum Acidum homeopathy medicine uses,benefits,effects and discuss it in detail. As it is a great remedy for various acute and chronic medical conditions like mouth ulcer, skin warts, piles, tonsillitis. Nitric Acid 200 homeopathy uses is especially in treatment of skin complaints and rectal complaints. 

Nitric acid is a colorless, highly corrosive, transparent, liquid this is one of the best polycrest. It’s a great remedy for the sticking pricking  pain as from splinters in the affected part. Here we discussed about Nitric acid 200 homeopathy uses.

In diphtheria, sore throat, hemorrhoids, pneumonia, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and in numerous other ailments the peculiar and characteristic sensations become our main indication for the Nitricum Acidum.

Nitricum Acidum(Nitric acid)  Dilution 200 CH Benefits & Uses Acid

Main Advantages-


  • Diarrhea: Nitricum Acidum is a great remedy for. When there is great desire for stool but passes little at a time.There is ineffectual urging for stool and the patient feels that a large amount of stool remains in the rectum to be expelled but he is unable to do so. The diarrhea could be stained with blood or mucus. .Nitricum Acidum is of great use in this dysentery of diphtheritic type; it gives excellent results in cases of ulcers in the intestines and dysentery. In such cases it is used when there is loose stool, bleeding from rectum, abdominal colic and excessive weakness.
  • Piles (hemorrhoids): In the case of Piles Nitricum Acidum is a top listed remedy. It helps in bleeding piles when there are piles protruding with every stool. blood may be bright, red and profuse. It helps with lancinating burning,cutting,and pricking pain with a splinter-like sensation. It heals, cracks, fissures pain in the rectum. Bleeding violent cutting pain after stool, which lasts for hours. It helps with constriction of anus  discharge of a fetid watery substance from the anus that keeps it constantly moist, the constant urging and tenesmus are very exhausting. The remedy is specially used in patients of bilious habits, and of syphilitic and mercurial infection. Fissures of anus or very often associated with this constipation.
  • Constipation: Apart from its applications in, Nitricum Acidum is also a valuable remedy for treating constipation. Individuals requiring this remedy often experience significant straining to pass stool. The consistency of the stool can vary, being either soft or hard, but it consistently requires considerable effort to expel. There is an excessive urge to have a bowel movement, yet only a small quantity of stool is actually passed. There is a persistent sensation as if the bowels have not fully emptied, leaving some stool behind in the rectum. Moreover, there is a notable and intense pain felt in the anus, both during and after the passage of stool.



  • Tonsillitis and Sore Throat: When it comes to addressing throat concerns, Nitricum Acidum proves to be a valuable remedy for treating both sore throats and tonsillitis. This remedy is administered when an individual experiences sharp, splinter-like, and burning pain in the throat and tonsils. The pain may radiate to the ears. Swallowing becomes challenging, and there is a sensation that food might not pass easily down the throat during eating. Additionally, there is a persistent dryness in the throat. The throat and tonsils exhibit signs of intense inflammation, appearing red, swollen, and highly irritated. Small ulcers may also develop on both the tonsils and the sore throat. These ulcers tend to be deep, with bluish edges and a red center, and they are often accompanied by a foul odor emanating from the mouth.


  • Bleeding Gums: It’s a great remedy for hemorrhagic condition Nitricum Acidum proves highly efficacious in addressing oral complaints, particularly in the treatment of mouth ulcers.This remedy is especially indicated when ulcers manifest within the cheeks, on the tongue, and the lips. The ulcers are characterized by sensations of stinging, pricking, and burning. Additionally, there is an increased production of saliva. The presence of a foul odor from the mouth accompanies these symptoms.
Bleeding Gums
  • Bad breath: It mainly treats Bad breath from mouth with offensive, saliva and bleeding gums, soft and spongy, gums and loose teeth.
Bad Breath


It is a highly effective medicine when it comes to treating skin issues. Firstly it is a renowned medicine to treat skin warts (hard, rough growths on skin caused by HPV – Human Papillomavirus). 

Nitricum Acidum is an important remedy to help with skin manifestations like warts, condylomata, whether psychotic or syphilitic, on the various parts of the body. These warts may be large, Jagged  and bleed easily on Washing or on slightest touch. There may also be moist,oozing offensive and acrid, discharges from them with typical picking splinter like pain

  • Warts: It works well to treat warts that are large and pedunculated. They sometimes have pricking and sticking pain in them. Frequent bleeding from wart on washing is also noted.
  • Ulcer:Secondly, it can take care of skin ulcers in an excellent manner. Here, it is useful to heal these ulcers. It also eases the stinging pains present in the ulcers. Further it helps to control bleeding if any from the ulcers.
Mouth Ulcer
  • FissuresNitricum Acidum is very good remedy in treating the various manifestations after abuse of mercury or syphilis it treats the dry or scaly, yellow with deep cracks and fissures of the skin. The junction of skin and mucous membrane is the place for which the nitric acid has got a great affinity. It may be on the lips corners of the mouth, nose, eyes, and vagina.


  • Urinary Tract Infection: Nitricum Acidum is a valuable remedy for managing a variety of urinary problems, particularly in cases of urinary infection. It is indicated when individuals experience a constellation of symptoms, including a burning, cutting, or needle-like stitching pain in the urethra. Additionally, there is a notable increase in the frequency of urination, but each time, only a small amount of urine is passed. This remedy is well-suited for addressing these specific urinary discomforts.
  • Hematuria: The action of Nitricum Acidum over the bladder and the kidneys is of surprisingly important. It is particularly useful in albuminuria  of syphilitic patients. Excessive prostration, nausea, sour taste, bilious diarrhea, fetid and turbid urine and edema of  feet are strong indications for its application. It acts nicely over scanty, dark, brown and strong smelling urine. It helps with difficulty in maturation and Other than this, it helps in hematuria.




Vaginal Discharges:

Nitricum Acidum is a highly beneficial remedy for the treatment of vaginal discharges and related conditions. It is particularly indicated when the vaginal discharges are greenish or brownish in color, having a thin, watery consistency, and emitting an offensive odor. These discharges often lead to itching, stitching pain, and a burning sensation in the vaginal area.

Nitricum Acidum is also effective in treating vaginal inflammation (vaginitis) when accompanied by discharges as described.

vaginal Discharges

In addition to its application in vaginal issues, this remedy is recommended for the treatment of genital warts in females. Furthermore, it is well-suited for addressing hard knots or lumps in the breast, making it a versatile choice for various women’s health concerns.


Nitricum Acidum is a great remedy and helps with great depression or spirit, indifference, irritability of disposition, hopelessness, despair and sadness. The person is very self- willed, headstrong and obstinate and apologetic,coaxing love and equally incapable of moving him. The patient also suffers from a morbid fear of cholera the shows and an anxious state of mind and anxiety. The person is constantly worried over various things. He is anxious  about his health, about his future and about things that do not really concern him. This state of mind is to a great extent generated by continued loss of sleep or from a loss of a dear friend.


Nitricum Acidum Dilution 200 CH Dosage & How to Take. 

  • Nitricum Acidum Can be used from 30 C to 200 C to more higher 1 M potency. Use it twice or thrice when used in 30 C and 200 C potency took May go Alumina.
  • The potency (amount) used also depends on the symptoms of the patient which is determined by the doctor and higher potencies (power) including 1 M should not be repeated frequently. 
  • We recommend you to seek medical guidance. Nitric acid 200 homeopathy uses.This is the dosage of Nitricum Acidum Dilution 30 CH recommended in most cases
Age CategoryDosage

Disease: diarrhea,Bleeding gums
After or before eating: anytime
Maximum quantity: 5 drop
Type of medicine: Dilution 30 CH 
Route of administration:mouth
Intake regimen: 3 times
Course of treatment: As per doctor’s advice
Other Instructions: as per doctor’s instructions

Disease: diarrhea,Bleeding gums
After or before eating: anytime
Maximum quantity: 5 drop
Type of medicine: Dilution 30 CH
Route of administration:mouth
Intake regimen: 3 times
Course of treatment: As per doctor’s advice
Other Instructions: as per doctor’s instructions

Nitricum Acidum Dilution 200 CH Interactions with Food and Alcohol.

  • Keep a gap of half an hour between food/drink/any other medicine and homeopathic medicine.
  • While taking medicine, avoid any kind of strong smell in the mouth like camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, asafoetida.
  • Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol while on medication.

Nitricum Acidum Dilution 200 CH Side Effects.

  • Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization, that is, the substance is diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously) to produce a highly diluted remedy, which is why homeopathic medicines cause nominal side effects. However, any medicine should be taken in compliance with the stated rules. It is safe to take the medicine even if you are using another system of medicine like Allopathy, Ayurveda etc. 
  • Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.
  • If any side effects of Nitricum Acidum are observed, they can be countered with Calcarea, Conium, Digitalis purpurea, Mercurius. 

Nitricum Acidum Dilution 200 CH Related Warnings.

  • Keep an interval of half an hour between eating/drinking/other medicines and homeopathic medicines.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a homeopathic practitioner before taking.
  • If other symptoms of illness occur, stop taking the medicine immediately and consult a doctor.
  • keep your medicine out of the reach of children.

Nitricum Acidum Dilution 200 CH Relation With Other Homeopathic Medicines.

Complements- Arsenic,Caladium seguinum.

Remedies follow well- Arnica, Arnica,Arum triphyllum, belladonna, Calcarea carbonicum,Carbo vegetabilis, Kali carbonicum, Kreosote,  Mercurius, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, secale cornutum, Sepia, Silicea, sulphur, Thuja occidentalis.

Inimicals- Lachesis after Calcarea.

Antidotes- Aconitum napellus,calcarea,conium, Hepar sulphur, Mercurius, Mezereum,sulphur.

Antidote by- Calcarea, Conium, Digitalis purpurea, Mercurius.

See All Substitutes For Nitricum Acidum Dilution



What Is Nitricum Acidum ?

Nitric acid is a colorless, highly corrosive, transparent, liquid, nitric acid is a chemical product manufactured synthetically and had a wide range of chemical use.

Nitric Acid is an inorganic compound with chemical formula HNO3.It is a highly corrosive mineral acid, fuming, colorless and plays an important role in the manufacture of fertilizers and explosives.

It is also used in manufacturing of homeopathic medicine acid nitric come by either through the process of putting ties Asian and after that put in ties they possess very useful therapeutic value.

It is also known as the spirit of niter and aqua fortis. In its pure form, it is colorless but as it gets older it turns into a yellow cast. This color appears due to the decomposition of Nitric acid to oxides of nitrogen and water. It is highly corrosive and toxic. It causes severe skin burn. It reacts with hydroxides, metals, and oxides to form nitrate salts.

Nitricum Acidum, often referred to as Nitric Acid in homeopathy, is a remedy that finds its roots in the world of chemistry, but has become an essential component of holistic healing. Derived from diluted nitric acid, this remedy is known for its diverse applications in addressing both physical and emotional ailments.

Nitric acid is a colorless, highly corrosive, transparent liquid.through the potentization process (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). With this process the latent medicinal properties of Nitric Acid are extracted. It has been used since ages to treat warts and skin ulcers. In homeopathy, it very effectively manages complaints of anal fissures, piles, warts and mouth ulcers. 

It was introduced by Dr Hanneman in the 18th century. This remedy is given to the patient that as a rule, lean And of nervous temperament. They catch colds easily and are frequent subjects of diarrhea. They are further characterized by excessive weakness of mind and body trembling of limbs and great physical irritability. The least exertion tires them. 

In otorrhea the purulent ichorous discharges make the part red and angry.

The leucorrhoea discharges are equally agreed. So Are the urine, the menstrual and the vaginal discharges. 

Another indication for this remedy, and the and the next, most important characteristic is found in the sticking, pricking  pain, as from splinters in the affected part.

in diphtheria, sore throat, hemorrhoids, pneumonia, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, cancer, and in numerous other complaints. 

This peculiar and characteristic sensation becomes our main indication for the remedy.

Blisters and ulcers in the mouth, tongue, genitals, it bleeds easily. Fissures with the pain during stool, as if the rectum was torn, all these discharges are very offensive, especially urine, Perspiration. People who have chronic disease, take colds easily. This posed diarrhea. Excessive physical Irritability. Intermittent fever with liver involvement, anemia etc. 

History Perspective

Nitricum Acidum, commonly known as Nitric Acid in conventional medicine, has a rich history in both homeopathy and mainstream medicine.

In homeopathy, it was introduced by the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, in the late 18th century. Hahnemann’s approach to medicine was revolutionary at the time, emphasizing the use of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s vital force.Nitricum Acidum was one of the remedies he developed through meticulous experimentation and observation.

In mainstream medicine, Nitric Acid (HNO3) has been recognized since the 13th century as a potent chemical compound. Its corrosive and reactive nature made it a valuable substance for various industrial and laboratory applications.

Preparation of  Nitricum Acidum

  • The process begins with obtaining Nitric Acid, which is a strong mineral acid.
  • One part of Nitric Acid is mixed with nine parts of water or alcohol. This mixture is succussed (shaken vigorously) to ensure thorough mixing.
  • The resulting mixture is then further diluted and succussed repeatedly. Each dilution step is referred to as a “potency” or “cH”. For example, a 6C potency indicates that the original substance has undergone six dilution and succussion cycles.
  • In homeopathy, remedies are often prepared in dilutions that surpass Avogadro’s limit. This means that by the time a remedy reaches higher potencies (e.g., 12C, 30C), statistically, there are no molecules of the original substance remaining.
  • The diluted solution is impregnated onto lactose pellets or dissolved in alcohol to create the final form of the remedy.


  • Abdominal troubles
  • Anus fissures
  • Bright’s disease
  • Bronchitis
  • Bubo
  • Chronic cataract
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea 
  • Dysentery
  • Ear infection 
  • Glandular swelling
  • Hemorrhage 
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Haematuria
  • Headache
  • Herpes
  • Menstrual complains
  • Ricketts
  • Syphilis 
  • Skin Trouble
  • Tongue disease
  • Ulcers
  • Urinary disorder
  • Warts
  • Whooping cough

Drug Action

Nitricum Acidum acts on blood skin, mucus membrane glands, bones and GIT

The special seat of action of nitric acid is at the junction of skin and mucous membrane of the body, such as mouth, eyes, nose, rectum, anus, vagina, urethra, etc. It organizes the blood, helps with intense irritation, reduces the inflammation, ulceration, and even gangrene of the affected part. 

Its action on G I T cures  diarrhea hemorrhage. etc.This medicine acts on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and effectively helps to treat anal fissures, piles and ulcers in GIT. 

Apart from this its action on the urinary system is excellent where it is helpful to treat urinary infection, urethral stricture and blood in urine.

It has a marked action on skin where it is very suitable to treat skin warts and heal skin ulcers magnificently. 

Mouth and Throat Issues Nitricum Acidum can be used for conditions affecting the mouth and throat, such as mouth ulcers and sore throats with a sensation of splinters or a feeling as if a hair were on the back of the tongue.

Complementary Medicine

Arsenic,Caladium seguinum, 


Acidum Nitricum, a key remedy in homeopathy, was introduced by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. It addresses conditions characterized by sensitivity to touch, mucous membrane disorders, and sharp pains. Its preparation involves meticulous serial dilution and succussion, often surpassing Avogadro’s limit.

it comes comes under the powerful, the tires of powerful acids and when it is put in ties, it was just very useful therapeutic values in homeopathy.

it selects for its special seat of action, the outlets of the body. We are the mucous membrane and skin meets It is a great remedy for various health complaints Skin irritations Respiratory conditions Urinary receive this disease and other mucus membrane affection. 

Frequently asked Questions about Acid Nitricum Dilution 200

Question- What is Nitricum Acidum homoeopathic medicine and how is it derived?

Answer- Nitricum Acidum stands as a significant and versatile homeopathic remedy, drawing its potency from the Nitric Acid. 

Question- What are the key characteristics of individuals who might benefit from Nitricum Acidum?

Answer- It is highly situated with a dark complexion. People passed their middle life syphilis after abuse of mercury.

Question- What are the common uses of Nitricum Acidum in homeopathic practice?

Answer- It is a leading medicine to treat and have a great action  In diphtheria, sore throat, hemorrhoids, pneumonia, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and in numerous other ailments the peculiar and characteristic sensations become our main indication for the Nitricum Acidum.

Question- Is Nitricum Acidum safe for use and are there any potential side effects?

Answer- Selection of remedy and the potency of that remedy depends upon the symptoms of the patient which is selected by the physician. 

Question- Can Nitricum Acidum be used in conjunction with conventional medicine?

Answer- Of course homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and it does not interfere with Medicinal action of any other medicinal system. 

Question- What is the typical dosage and frequency for Nitricum Acidum?

Answer- The typical doses for Nitricum Acidum given in 200 potency.

Question- Can pregnant or breastfeeding individuals use Nitricum Acidum?

Answer- yes it is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals.

Question- Where can individuals find Nitricum Acidum homoeopathy medicine?

Answer- you can find Nitricum Acidum homoeopathy medicine in above given links. 

Question- How can one find a qualified homeopathic practitioner for guidance on Nitricum Acidum ?

Answer- you can consult your nearby registered homeopathic practitioner or you can contact us for online consultation and treatment. 

Question- Can Nitricum Acidum be used for pets or animals?

Answer- yes homeopathic medicines also work magically on animals too we recommend you to ask a doctor.

Question- How many types of potencies are there in  Nitricum Acidum ?

Answer- Nitricum Acidum Available in a variety of potencies, ranging from low potency (eg: 3X /6X) to high potency (eg: 30C,200C etc.).

Question- How are the potency and quantity of Nitricum Acidum dilution determined?

Answer- Homoeopathic doctors determine its dosage based on the symptoms of the patient.

Question- What are the main indications in which Nitricum Acidum can be used?

Answer- Especially in piles and skin diseases.

Question- Is there any specific time to take Nitricum Acidum ?

Answer- It can be taken anytime within a gap of half an hour before meals. 

Question- Can Nitricum Acidum Dilution be used in children or during pregnancy?

Answer- Nitricum Acidum dilution is safe to use even during pregnancy.

Question- How long should Nitricum Acidum be taken for it to be effective?

Answer- As per doctor’s advice.

Question- Can Nitricum Acidum be taken with other homeopathic or classical medicines?

Answer- Yes, Nitricum Acidum can be taken with other homeopathic medicines but it is necessary to consult a doctor before mixing the two medicines.

Question- What should I do if I experience any overdose or agitation after taking Nitricum Acidum 200?

Answer- Stop using the medicine immediately and consult your doctor.

Question- Is Nitricum Acidum beneficial in mental diseases?

Answer- Yes, its appropriate results are seen in mental diseases.

Question- Should I continue using Nitricum Acidum 200 if my symptoms improve?

Answer- As per doctor’s instructions.

Question- Where i can know about Nitric acid 200 homeopathy uses in Hindi?

Answer- you can translate the website in Hindi by clicking on the given language button at the top to know about the Nitric acid 200 homeopathy uses in Hindi

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